Date Listed | 02-Apr-11 |
Address | Toronto, ON M3A, Canada
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District of work is in the borders of: 401, Bayview, Lawrence, and Victoria Park.
Student Works is a house painting company in activity since 1981 in multiple provinces across Canada. It offers residential, commercial, painting and staining services to its customers. Local branches are run by local university students looking for summer entrepreneurial experience.Overall, Student Works strive to provide opportunities for high school and post-secondary students to develop communication, time management, and various other transferable skills with its summer jobs in the field of marketing and painting every summer.
-Must be a student
-Must be motivated
-Great communication skills
-have flexible hours (preseason twice a week)
-no experience required training will be provided
-must also do canvassing in order to become a painter
Payment Method:
-piece rate system
I will be glad to accept resumes to my email I will get back to you as soon as possible once I've received the message.